
Prospect House Albert Road Tamworth Staffordshire B79 7JN

Academy Hours:

9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri) 

Academy Number

0845 675 1110


07500 848880

Managing Seasonal allergies


Hay fever and  other seasonal allergies are common place and while some treatment options are no longer available to prescribe for these conditions on the NHS, they still remain a treatment option sought by patients attending clinicians privately. 

Accessible to the following healthcare professionals:

  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Registered Nurses
  • Pharmacists

There has been a surge in the use of prescription only medicines by non health care practitioners  in 2023. This course is only accessible to doctors, dentists, registered nurses and pharmacists. 

This course covers all  treatment modalities and options . We also include information relating to the treatment that sits outside of current NICE guidance  including the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, side effects, drug interactions, and monitoring.  

We believe that we have taken a responsible approach with the course material to inform and educate health care professionals around this subject allowing them to make their own professional judgment.

Hay fever and allergies are common place and while some treatments are no longer available to prescribe for these conditions on the NHS, they  still remains a treatment option sought by patients attending clinicians privately. This short course is designed to give the clinician an insight into various line and alternative prescribed products for symptom relief and management. 

Please note that the treatment of disease or disorder is a medical indication and is therefore, a CQC regulated  activity.  The advertisement of prescription only medicines to the Public  is not allowed. It is recommended that practitioners consider these factors  and consult their insurers before offering this treatment.
